About Camp KickStart
Camp KickStart is a school holiday care program for vulnerable and disadvantaged children aged five to thirteen who don’t look forward to the holidays like their peers do as they are experiencing hardship.
We provide kids with transport to and from home and excursions, with food, books, clothes and fun things to do, and partner them with mentors for extra support and self-esteem building.
Over 310 kids attend our school holiday care program each term across three South Australian locations.
Activities can include:
• Celebrity visitors, including AFL footballers.
• Excursions to swimming centres, movies, zoo, beach, museum and adventure playgrounds.
• Playing football and other group sports.
• Group games, mini Olympics and obstacles courses.
• Bouncy castles and water slides.
• Cooking classes.
• Arts and crafts.
• Learning to ride bikes.
• Making cardboard cars with our resident engineering volunteers.
• Making healthy snacks with our resident nutritionist.
• Numeracy and literacy programs.

Your donation will assist in providing over 60,000 breakfasts per week to kids across 360 schools in South Australia.