KickStart For Kids are calling for donations for their upcoming Camp KickStart October school holiday program.
Camp KickStart is a school holiday care program, run entirely by volunteers, for vulnerable and disadvantaged children aged five to thirteen who don’t look forward to the holidays like their peers do as they are experiencing hardship.
The children attending Camp KickStart are in desperate need of NEW shoes, as well as clothes, in particular socks, underwear, long sleeve t-shirts, hoodies and other basic articles of clothing that are often taken for granted. These do not have to be expensive and can cost as little as $3 from Kmart, Big W, Best & Less and Target.
Specific sizes of clothing needed are as follows:
Socks – Men’s ‘sizes 9-13.
Summer Pj’s – Girls and Boys sizes 6-16.
Shorts/skirts/casual dresses – Girls sizes 6-16.
Shoes – Boys sizes 12-9 sneakers and slides.
Shoes – Girls sizes 12-8 sneakers, ballet flats and slides.
Every school holidays, over 350 kids attend the camps across five South Australian locations. They provide kids with transport to and from home and excursions with food, books, clothes and fun things to do as well as partnering them with a mentor for extra support and self-esteem building.
KickStart For Kids CEO, Ian Steel founded the organisation after mentoring primary school children in lower SES (socio-economic status). “Our Camp KickStart school holiday camps rely on the generous contributions made by businesses, organisations, and individuals in the South Australian community. It’s up to all of us to do what we can to help improve the lives of children in our very own state.”
Donations can be delivered to the KickStart for Kids new headquarters which is located across from the Glenelg Golf Club between 8:30 am and 1:30 pm Monday-Thursday and can be placed into the yellow wheelie bin located on the front porch, or if outside of those hours by prior arrangement.
Alternatively, an online donation can be made via the website: https://kickstartforkids.com.au/donate-to-kickstart/
To learn more about Camp KickStart visit https://www.kickstartforkids.com.au/other-programs/